Saturday, July 25, 2009

Quick Majority Vote Please: Peach or Lime?

I can't decide which flavor to use for a batch of tequila jello shots. I am definitely using melon fusion flavor Jello for one batch, but I need a majority vote on peach or lime.......

1.Please state which flavor you like better of the two (in general)...

2. Please state which flavor you would like with tequila...

Quick Majority Vote Please: Peach or Lime?

2.Peach or lime
Reply:Tequila + Lime = Tastes like floor cleaner (we've done it).

Tequila + Peach = Delicious.

Reply:1. Peach

2. Lime
Reply:Lime goes better with tequila
Reply:y do jello just do shots its quicker

Reply:make sure u get the ez-squeeze jello shot cups! they work the best!!!! u just squeeze em and the jello just pops rite out into your mouth, they cheap too
Reply:1) i really like peach flavour 2) lime. because after you take a tequila shot, what do you reach for? a lemon, so lime is close enough. it's more tangy and tart. and i think peach would be better with another type of liquor, not tequilla though.
Reply:I like lime heaps better than peach, but have never tried with tequila. I reckon lime or even lemon would be better though

skin disease

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