Monday, August 3, 2009

Dropping Colour oddity on a Peach-faced Loveird?

My peach-faced lovebird whose about 9 months old has been leaving brown-green droppings instead of his usual green droppings. He's been getting alot more vegetables and rice lately, is it a diet change thats affecting his stool or something I should be concerned with?

Dropping Colour oddity on a Peach-faced Loveird?
Vegetables can change the color of droppings. However, the color you are describing still sounds normal.

Droppings should have white and be a dark green or brown. It should be accompanied by a small amout of urine surrounding the urates (white part). The stool (green/brown part) should be coily and will reflect what he eats. bird seed diets reflect dark green while pellet diets will reflect the color of the pellets.

The time to worry is if the droppings are runny. Or they are a bright green or black. Yellow or green stained urates are also an indicator of illness. The urates should always be white and chalky when dry. Pale or foamy droppings or a consistant change in the amount should be a concern.

What you are describing sounds perfectly normal. I wouldn't worry about it.
Reply:It probably is the food change that has changed your bird's droppings. Keep an eye on them. If the color change continues after the diet is back to normal, or your bird starts showing other signs of illness, get it to an avian vet asap.

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